Gas Pressure Regulator

Gas Pressure Regulator

Product specifications :
Marked and approved by Iranian National Standardization Organization : INSO 6027-1 (Class A, Group 2) - P1 up to 500mbar
In accordance with the standard : EN 88-1 (Category A, Group 2) - P1 up to 500mbar
Working temperature : -15 up to 60°С
Gas types : Natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, Air, Town gas
Connection : Flange DN80
Flange connections in accordance with : ISO7005 & DIN1092-4
Dimensions (mm) : 331.310.465
Weight (Kg) : 13.7

Gas pressure regulator SET251 is designed for inlet pressure up to 500 mbar. This regulator provides preset and stable outlet pressure from low to high capacities.

Picture of Gas Pressure Regulator
Title File Size Version Technical Data
کاتالوگ کنترل های خط گاز مشعل gas-controls.pdf 3.7 MB تابستان 1402
راهنمای رگلاتور فشار گاز SET251 DN80.pdf 432.6 KB پاییز 1401
لیست قیمت کنترل های خط گاز مشعل لیست قیمت کنترل های خط گاز مشعل 1.6 MB تابستان 1402
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